Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I like it when people say messed up stuff to me.

I was in a cab in NYC, headed home after a long evening out with friends.  I was exhausted and practically asleep, in the backseat.  When we got to my apartment, the cabby turned around, gave me a huge smile(which is never a good sign) and said the following to me:

"You have a nice, BIG, Indian nose!"

And to correct him, it is not an Indian nose, it is simply "A nice, big, American schnoz."   And it should also be noted, all I really took from this "compliment" was the fact in his country I might be considered a near goddess, with this fantastic profile, but where I'm from?  I'm just a white girl with a big nose.  And no, my sense of smell is not heightened.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Look, I Made an Outfit!

*Top and skirt at ModCloth.com
*Earrings, bracelet and shoes from Anthropologie.com

Thursday, October 14, 2010

More Tweets from Mo...

-I LOVE getting Viagra emails!!!!!!

-Oh wow. This Barefoot Zinfandel is...not good

-When I drink caffeine free Diet Coke, I have the most INSANE dreams. Liiiiike a baby telling me "Leave me the f*ck alone, I'm sleeping."

-I love pork buns.

-Goddamn Sit n Sleep commercial, with all the dust mite talk really ruined my dinner. Come ON!

-I'm totally getting smog tested tomorrow. That's hot.

-Omg I totally forgot to mention I had a dream I was a cast member on The Jersey Shore! It was crazy. I didn't have a tan, though.

  1. -No, I'm not. Just kidding. That would be ruin my computer. And my phone.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wait, was that a joke?

          Many years ago, while I was a student at Santa Clara University, I attended my very first open mic, as an audience member.  A voyeur, if you will.  One of my good friends at the time, we'll just call him Boe Jrady, you know, to protect his identity.  He wanted to test out some of his material.  Why not, right?  I love supporting my friends, especially my funny friends and Boe was funny.  So Boe, his girlfriend Slissa Etebbins(to protect her identity) and myself all headed out to a bar near Stanford University.  Little did I know I was about to have the most awkward and painful experience of my life.  And I wasn't even on stage.
          It was a tiny room, in a tiny bar, with a tiny stage.  The entire audience was basically in the performer's lap, which is just unsanitary, if you ask me.  You know how comedians are.  Dirty.  Boe did his set, and it was funny.  To be honest, quite a bit of it went right over my head, but I do recall laughing at least once.  After Boe went, we kind of had to stick around, because the place was so small it would have been too obvious and rude to just leave.  Even though that's what I really wanted to do, and probably should have done.  So, a very skinny, Middle-Eastern looking man gets up on stage, and he was clearly handicapped, which is HILARIOUS!  Okay, no, it's not hilarious, so stop judging me, but it made us all go "Hmmm...something is wrong with him.  What is it?  What is wrong with this guy?  Because something is definitely wrong with this guy."  Then he proceeds to lean against the back wall, because he literally could not stand without any support, and I am dying, I am so uncomfortable and distracted and I just NEED him to tell us what's wrong so I can stop feeling so awkward.  And thank God he did.  He had Cerebral Palsy, I think.  Okay, I actually can't remember.  But the point is he told us, which relieved some of the tension.  But then he started his "set."  And it was...not good.  In fact, it was so unfunny, I got really angry.  And then I felt guilty that I was angry at this handicapped man.   And there was so much silence.  And you know it's bad when the silence is painful, but then the man who breaks the silence makes it even worse.  He did this thing where he would  look out at the room, realize a joke didn't work(which was all of them), and then he would say "Mmmm, segue.  Traaaaansition."  Over and over and over again.  At one point he even turned all the way around and stared at the wall while he said it.  It was strange.
          Naturally, because I had no idea what to do, I started passing notes to Boe's girlfriend, and we started giggling, which is terrible, but I just didn't know what to do with all my ANGER.  Alright, fine, so it was not the most mature thing to do, but give me a break.  So, this guy, the one on stage, who may or may not have had Cerebral Palsy, saw this.  He saw me passing a note.  He SAW me!  And he had a mic, so he started asking my friend and I about said note.  And I was mortified.  I felt like the biggest piece of crap on the planet.  All this guy wanted to do was get up on that stage and perform.  It was his DREAM!  I mean, it shouldn't have been, but it WAS.  And there I was, passing notes. Crapping all over his dream.  It finally ended and we got out of there real fast.  Not that we had to run away, because let's be honest, a handicapped man probably wouldn't be able to catch up.  And even if he somehow DID, I am pretty sure we would have won the fight.  But I am almost positive I saw Wes Bentley, the beautiful neighbor boy from American Beauty, sitting at the bar.  And he asked me for my number.  And we fell in love.  And I'm lying.  Again.  But I really think I saw him at the bar.  That part is true.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Who wants to go to IKEA and leave with a Hot Dog?!

Okay, so I'm a little weird.  I get this.  When I have a day completely free, what do you think I do with it?  Go for a hike?  Wrong.  Read a good book?  Nope.  Spend time browsing various Targets and Malls in the LA area, and maybe taking a trip to the Burbank IKEA, just to walk around the showroom, marketplace, and maybe leave with a hot dog and Diet Pepsi?  You got it.  BINGO!  I could(and do) spend hours browsing.  Not shopping.  I can't spend hours shopping, because I don't have the uh, oh you knoooow, whaddya call it?  Oh yeah.  Money.  Sometimes I will go to Nordstrom, and just try on clothes, and dream about what it would be like to actually buy a complete outfit, or even just one shirt, without it completing depleting my bank account.  What a day that would be!  I'll do this at Anthroplogie, too.  Grab a pile of beautiful clothes, sometimes from the "Sale!" rack(fooling myself into thinking I might actually walk out with something), take them to the dressing room and try them on.  I am the dressing room girl's nightmare.  I walk in with all these clothes, only to hand them all back to her when I'm done.  She'll sometimes look at me in amazement, surely thinking "My GOD!  Seriously?!  You're telling me NONE of these worked for you?! Wtf?!"  But what she actually says to me, with a perfectly patronizing tone, is "Aww, none of these worked out?  I'm sorry." Of course, I smile, and say "Not really.  Thank you."  When what I really want to say is "YES!  Almost ALL of them worked out, and they are so beautiful and I would look AMAZING in ALL of these clothes, but I cannot afford ANY of them!!!  DO YOU HEAR ME?!  I HAVE NO MONEY!!!  WHY, GOD?!  WHYYYYYY CAN'T I JUST BUY ONE OUTFIT FROM ANTHROPOLOGIE?!"  Wow.  I went really far with that, didn't I?  Eh, not far enough.  I'm still censoring myself, because my Mom reads this and she is wary about me putting things out there for all the world to read.  Anyway, I guess it is a bit torturous to try on clothes you can't have, but a bigger part of me(not my ass) likes imagining what I will one day be able to have.  That's the optimist in me.  Thankfully, no matter how dark or depressing times can get, the optimist in me always wins.  And yes, I do think of non-material things, just not as much as I think about clothes.

My ModCloth Pick of the Day!

This is my ModCloth pick of the day!
Pretty, pretty, pretty:)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mo' Tweets.

-It's so funny when the Facebook users of acertaingeneration sign their wall posts like a letter; "Good to see you last night, Doug."

            -Oh, Viagra emails, I wish you knew how to quit me.

-Paris Hilton is an idiot

            -Sometimes I get weird abdominal pangs, and think "Oh, no. My appendix!" Then I remember I don't have one anymore.

-I eat like a pregnant woman.

            -So, am I the only one who finds it funny that IHOP has valet parking?

-Oops...but this credit card is not mine.

             -New study shows a possible link between chocolate consumption and depression. Uh YEAH. If you can't find any chocolate, that's depressing.

-I LOVE it when I get excited about a text message alert and then I realize it's from Verizon.

             -Not as into this documentary about plastic surgery gone wrong, as I thought I would be.

  1. -Uh oh. Dentist time. Ugh...-Maybe I should date a dentist...